Vigorelle Review – Bring Back Your Feminine Passion the All-Natural Way!

As we get older, it can sometimes be hard to keep up that same passion in the bedroom. This is especially true for us women, who undergo a significant amount of stress after childbirth, and in our general day to day lives.

Watching our libido slowly go down as we get older, or get busier, can often be a deeply frustrating and concerning issue. It has the potential to drive a wedge between you and your partner, and can leave you living a very unfulfilled life.

Thankfully, you don’t have to suffer without a way out. There have been significant breakthroughs in helping women stimulate their libido, and have a more fulfilling sex life as a result.

These breakthroughs have been seen primarily in the supplement, and female care industry, with one product in particular rising in popularity significantly over the past few years. A body cream known as Vigorelle.

Vigorelle is an all-natural solution to your libido, and slow sex drive issues. Helping to bring back that youthful passion that we all miss so much in our lives.

As with any product that rises in popularity, we wanted to get a closer look. So, we picked up Vigorelle, with the intention of learning what it is, what’s inside it, and what benefits it provides. As well as looking into any scientific or clinical studies that may back up its claims.

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What is Vigorelle?

Vigorelle is a body cream designed to be applied to the genitals, and provides a boost to your libido, as well as helping to mend dryness and soreness in the vaginal area. Whilst it may not sound sexy, it does provide a wealth of support for people looking to mend their low libido issues.

The supplement cream is developed with an all-natural formula, using ingredients that are proven to provide a boost to female sex hormones, and libido levels. It is an FDA approved cream, meaning that it is manufactured with the highest standard of quality.

The cream is also designed to help women with their stress, especially in sexual situations. For many women with busy lives, getting into the right mood for sex can be a burden. It’s these issues that Vigorelle aims to mend.

The Symptoms of Low Libido

Low libido can have a range of cascading effects on the body. All of which often go unnoticed in our day to day lives. Low libido can also be caused by a range of stresses, and health concerns, in our lives.

Let’s explore some of the reasons that you may be suffering from low libido:

Health Issues

Low libido can be directly caused by medical issues, but more often than not, it is caused by many health concerns that all women face. This includes menopause, childbirth, and mental health.

All of these have an effect on your estrogen levels, which is the primary sex hormone for women. Once this hormone becomes unbalanced in the body, it can become very difficult to claw yourself out of that rut.

A Busy Life

One factor that perhaps doesn’t get enough attention in a woman’s sexual health is how busy they are. The modern lifestyle is an incredibly busy, and stressful experience. This doesn’t have to include children, but adding children into the mix is also a key factor to a busy life.

All of this builds up to providing very little time for women to properly find themselves in the mood for sex. Unlike men, women need an emotional build up to get into the mood. With a busy lifestyle, this is often impossible.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a condition that many women struggle with, and it doesn’t help with getting into the mood. It is much more common than many women believe, and will cause a cascading effect on a woman’s libido.

Is Vigorelle Just for Low Libido?

A common misconception about the Vigorelle cream is that it is only for women suffering from low libido. The truth is, this cream supplement is designed for any woman that’s looking to spice up their sex life, and bring a touch of excitement back to their bedroom activities.

If you find yourself wanting to bring back some passion into the bedroom, then Vigorelle will significantly help you. Helping to ease vaginal dryness, and raise your libido to exciting and enjoyable heights.

What Is Inside Vigorelle?

Vigorelle uses a range of all-natural ingredients, each providing separate benefits to women who use the cream. These ingredients are absorbed through the skin, and travel into your blood stream.

It is vital, as with any supplement, to break down what each of these ingredients are, and what they provide in the overall formula.

There are five active ingredients inside Vigorelle, these include:


L-Arginine is a vital amino acid that plays a huge role in the Vigorelle formula. It helps to increase blood flow, and has been linked in clinical studies to higher libido in both men and women.

Blood flow plays a large role in how we experience arousal, and by increasing the blood flow to your vagina, you’ll experience that youthful excitement for sex once more.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba has long been known to improve circulation of blood in the body, which helps to make the most of L-Arginine. On top of this, this plant extract has been linked to helping women fight off the symptoms of menopause, which can be a huge contributing factor to low libido.

Wild Yam

Wild Yam provides a range of energy sources into the body, as well as working to lower oestrogen levels. Oestrogen, another sex hormone, often becomes unbalanced as we get older. This directly plays into your overall estrogen levels, as oestrogen will directly lower your estrogen. By lowering oestrogen, you will raise your estrogen significantly.

Damiana Leaf

Damiana Lead is an old medicine herb that has been used for centuries, and has long been known as a natural aphrodisiac. It provides a direct boost to your libido, and even assists in fertility.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is not a surprising ingredient to find within the Vigorelle formula. It provides a soothing element to your skin, helps to lubricate your genital area, and is even great for skin health. Overall, the aloe vera gel is a carrying agent, helping to spread this gel over your body.

Trace Ingredients

There are a range of trace ingredients inside Vigorelle. These mostly consist of various vitamins and minerals. Many of these do not have a direct effect on your libido levels, however they do assist with the absorption of the supplement into the skin, as well as helping you improve your skin health, and general health as well.

Click Here to Get Vigorelle For The Lowest Price Online

Is Vigorelle Safe?

Absolutely, there are no ill-effects linked to the use of Vigorelle. The formula uses only all-natural ingredients, and there have never been any side effects linked to these ingredients in any fashion.

It is not recommended to use this supplement if you are under the age of eighteen, pregnant, or breastfeeding. This isn’t a reflection of Vigorelle itself, but instead a guideline that all supplements follow.

How Long Does Vigorelle Take to Work?

You will notice the effects of Vigorelle almost immediately the first time you use it. However, an important element to remember: Female sexuality is linked heavily to your emotional state.

Do not be concerned if you are not immediately in the mood after using Vigorelle. It may take a few uses before you begin to feel the effects, and feel comfortable enough to enjoy those effects.

How Do I Use Vigorelle?

Think of Vigorelle as a lubricant that you use before sex. If you are currently using a lubricant for sex, then swap it out for Vigorelle.

Simply apply the gel to your genital area shortly before sex. You don’t need a lot, just a thin layer over the skin. Give it a minute or two to absorb, and you’re ready to go.

If you typically use a lot of lubricant, there is no harm in using more of the Vigorelle cream to get the same effect.

Where Can I Buy Vigorelle?

You can buy Vigorelle from its website. A one-month supply of the cream will cost you $59.95. Depending on how often you use the cream, this one-month supply may last you longer than thirty days.

You will be provided with steep discounts for buying in bulk. Since all orders are protected by a two-month money back guarantee, it’s a good idea to first see if the cream works for you, and if it does, buy in bulk to save money.

Click Here To Visit Vigorelle Official Website

Our Final Thoughts

There is no shortage of female enhancement products on the market today, and it was important for us to get a closer look at the Vigorelle supplement before we made up our mind.

Having looked deeper into the effects this cream has for women, we can safely say that this supplement’s growing reputation is completely warranted. If you’re looking to get some passion back into your sex life, give Vigorelle a try today!