StrictionBP Reviews – Lower Your Blood Pressure the Natural Way
As the human body ages, there are many underlying health issues that begin to arise. Some of them are obvious, from weaker joints, to lower energy levels, and an immune system that begins to struggle under the weight of an aging body. However, some problems are not so obvious.
One of these problems is blood pressure, which slowly begins to rise as we age. If left unchecked, this can cause a significant amount of health complications as we age. The signs of high blood pressure are subtle, and often don’t directly translate to something we feel but they are there, and very dangerous.
There are a wide range of medications that can lower blood pressure. Although these medications often come with their own problems, and can cause more problems than they solve in the long run.
It’s for this reason that the supplement industry has been stepping in to provide for comprehensive solutions to blood pressure, using all-natural ingredients. One such supplement that has been making a name for itself lately is StrictionBP.
StrictionBP is an all-natural dietary supplement that will lower your blood pressure, without a long list of nasty side effects. The supplement has received a slew of positive reviews, both from the industry, and come its thousands of users.
It’s for this reason that we decided to take a closer look at StrictionBP. We wanted to learn where it has come from, what’s inside it, and what benefits it can offer you.
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What is StrictionBP?
StrictionBP is formulated by GNC, a gold standard in the supplement industry. The supplement is designed to lower your blood pressure, whilst also providing lowered blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well.
The formula for StrictionBP was designed by GNC to use powerful all-natural ingredients to provide powerful results for its users. The supplement is created in a USA facility, which is both GMP and FDA approved. All ingredients are also sourced from refinement-free sources.
Since the supplement came onto the market a few years ago, it has had trouble keeping up with demand. Quickly building a name for itself as a powerful and reliable way to lower your blood pressure.
How Does StrictionBP Work?
There are three main areas of our health that effect our blood pressure levels. These are our blood sugar levels, our stress levels (which lead to hypertension), and our cholesterol. All of these place a strain on our heart, and lead to high blood pressure.
StrictionBP tackles this problem in an intuitive manner. Employing natural ingredients that have a proven history of lowering your stress, your blood sugar, and your blood pressure directly.
As the ingredients are absorbed into the blood stream, you can expect far better results than more mainstream medicines. With longer lasting results as well.
It’s important to note: If you are prescribed blood pressure medication by your Doctor, StrictionBP is not a direct substitute. Instead the dietary supplement works as a foundational support network to help your blood pressure levels.
If your doctor has seen fit to prescribe you powerful blood pressure medication, then side with the wisdom of your doctor, and do not directly switch out that medication for the supplement. Instead use them together!
The Ingredients of StrictionBP
It’s important that we take a moment to look more closely at the ingredients that make up the StrictionBP formula. As an all-natural supplement lives and dies by the ingredients found inside it.
StrictionBP is made up of only three active ingredients, which may make you concerned. However, it’s the exact opposite. Far too often we see supplements pack themselves full of countless ingredients in an attempt to dazzle you.
Instead StrictionBP focuses on the ingredients that matter. So let’s take a closer look at the three active ingredients of the formula.
Ceylon Cinnamon
Ceylon Cinnamon is an extremely rare strain of cinnamon derived from Sri Lanka. It has been widely applied in the medical discipline for decades now. Known for its profound effects on blood pressure levels in the body.
Magnesium Malate
Magnesium Malate is a bio-available form of magnesium that is quickly absorbed into the body. It is an essential mineral that the body requires, and is vital for many metabolic cycles that take place.
Most importantly, however, is magnesium malate’s effect on hypertension. Showing to vastly reduce the symptoms of hypertension in the body, leading to lower blood pressure as a result.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is an extremely long and impressive resume when it comes to its effects on the body. It helps in fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body, the creation of red blood cells, and the health of neurotransmitters in the brain.
Furthermore, a deficiency in B6 leads to higher blood pressure. Meaning that its presence in the StrictionBP formula is a vital safe guard to make sure you are not suffering from this deficiency, as well as its other plentiful health benefits.
The Core Benefits of StrictionBP
Looking at the ingredients of StrictionBP, it’s not hard to see why the supplement is as popular as it is. Although looking at the ingredients individually doesn’t provide us with the bigger picture of what StrictionBP offers its users.
So let’s look at the core benefits you can expect from using StrictionBP:
• Reduced Blood Pressure: StrictionBP works both in the short-term, and the long-term, to control blood pressure levels in the body. It provides a reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
• Lowered Cholesterol Levels: The three active ingredients of StrictionBP play a key role in your metabolic rate. This means that your body will process fat and carbohydrates much more efficiently, leading to lower cholesterol levels as a result.
These lowered cholesterol levels will also play a part in lowering your blood pressure as well. As high cholesterol puts an incredible amount of stress on your heart.
• Controls Blood Sugar Levels: StrictionBP works to stabilize your blood sugar levels, with a heightened amount of glucose being processed in the body. Not only is this vital to avoid type-2 diabetes, but also plays a key role in your blood pressure levels. As high blood sugar forces the heart to operate at a higher rate.
Is StrictionBP Safe to Use?
StrictionBP is made up of only all-natural ingredients, and because of this, there are no side effects from the supplement. From our research of user reviews, and of industry studies into the supplement, there have never been any ill-effects reported.
How Do I Take StrictionBP?
To get the most out of StrictionBP, there are some important rule to remember. The supplement will not provide extra results the more you take. So only stick to the recommended regiment.
The regiment for the StrictionBP supplement is quite simple. You take four capsules daily. You take two in the morning with breakfast, and two in the afternoon with dinner, every day of the week.
One bottle of StrictionBP will come with enough pills to cover one month of use. So you don’t need to worry!
How Long Does StrictionBP Take to Work?
This answer will be slightly different for everybody. As the supplement is relying on all-natural ingredients, the absorption of these ingredients will depend on your own personal health, and a large range of other factors.
According to our research of both users, and what the official manufactures state, you will see results after the first week. With more powerful results taking root after three to five weeks.
Where Can I Buy StrictionBP?
You can buy StrictionBP from their website. There are often very good deals on their website, so these figures may not always be the exact amount you pay. However, the introduction package will cost you $59 plus shipping, and cover you for one month.
You can take advantage of significant discounts due to holidays sales, and buying in bulk. For each larger package you buy, you will receive a discount per bottle.
It’s important to remember as well: All orders some with a 60 day money back guarantee. So if you’re not happy with the supplement, don’t hesitate to send it back!
The Final Verdict
There are many products out there offering to fix many medical problems, without fully being able to back it up. It’s for this reason we often always treat supplements with an air of scepticism.
Thankfully we’re happy to say StrictionBP is not one of these black sheep products. This supplement stands on a foundation of proven results, and happy customer reviews. A gold standard in the supplement industry.
If you’re looking to take a more proactive approach towards lowering your blood pressure, then give StrictionBP a try, and start living your best life today!