Phallosan Forte Review – Male Enhancement You Can Trust

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The industry of male enhancement has been growing significantly over the past decade. With more and more promising products being made, a new bright star has shot out from the rabble and settled itself as one of the best male enhancement tools of this year.

If you’ve ever tried to find something to help you down there, then there is no doubt you’ve encountered:

  • Enlargement Pills: A largely ineffective temporary boost to your member’s size, with no real lasting benefits. With many coming with severe down sides, such as feeling ill, bloated, or tired.
  • Penis Pumps: A great way to see an increase in size for a few hours. Pumps have always been ineffective at providing lasting benefits, and really shouldn’t be taken seriously.
  • Surgery options: Whilst many surgery options may work, they also risk damaging your penis in the process. When it comes to our member, best not to risk it with a doctor.

Yet unlike these options above, Phallosan Forte is a male enchantment breakthrough. Today we’ll explore the product in depth and discover why more and more men are turning to Phallosan Forte Review to give them a few extra inches.

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What is Phallosan Forte?

Phallosan Forte is a vacuum penis extender, designed and engineered by Texana Manufacturing Ltd based in Malta. The product was first designed as a medical device, intended to help patients to treat a curved penis.

The product was widely successful and went on to develop further to the Phallosan Forte that is available today. This penis extender is now equipped with years of medical testing and sports the ability to help men naturally extend their penis.

The device is designed, today, to still be able to straighten a curved penis. However, it will also now increase the length and girth of your member as well. In a sense, this product has been developed to become a multi-gym for your penis, providing an onslaught of benefits.

Phallosan Forte say that can deliver the following to users in the first week:

  • Increased size.
  • A straighter shaft.
  • Stronger and longer erections.
  • A boost in self-confidence!

However, the product makes clear, the real benefits come from prolonged use. With large differences seen after 30-90 days of use. It can be easy to get impatient with male enhancement products, but the real results come with a little patience.

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Phallosan Forte – Main Features

Phallosan Forte is a product that has developed many of its features to provide optimal comfort, and results, to its users. Having come from the medical field, the device is optimized mostly for medical use compared to other penis extenders of its kind.

Because of this, the Phallosan Forte has the advantage of coming with the same high standard that all medical devices are manufactured with. That means when you use Phallosan Forte, you are using one of the best penis extenders on the market.

The device offers a wide range of features, such as:

  • Designed and produced with medical grade quality.
  • Your purchase, the packaging, and receipt are all designed to be 100% discreet. This means you can try this product without worrying someone might see what you’re trying.
  • The unit uses a soft protector cap, meaning that you can wear it for prolonged periods without feeling any discomfort.
  • The design is focused around a 100% no strangulation safeguard, which means you will never be at risk of injuring yourself.
  • The unit is designed to fit snug under your pants, meaning you can wear it out and about without concern.
  • The device is manufactured using anti-allergic silicone, meaning there is no chance of having an allergic reaction to the product.
  • One device is designed to fit all shapes and sizes. This means you won’t have to worry about getting a device that fits you correctly.


How does Phallosan Forte work?

Phallosan Forte employs a method of stretching and micro-tares in your skin tissue to achieve surprising results. Over time the tissue will repair itself, and as it does, the skin will be a longer as a result.

The device uses a vacuum technology to slowly, and painlessly, stretch your penis out bit by bit. Therefore, you may notice results after the first week but will likely see the best results after 60-90 days of use.

The official product instructions detail that:

  • Place the device over your penis, and attach using the comfort strap. This will be all you need to physically do, besides removing the device.
  • The Phallosan Forte will create a mild vacuum inside the device, that will begin the process of stretching and micro-tares.
  • The penis is secured on either side with a strap, making sure that the device does not touch your body, and prevent you feeling the bulk of it.
  • Blood will be sent down to your penis, as the stretching takes place. The increased blood flow will assist in repairing the skin and extending the shaft.

As this process continues throughout the day, cell division will take place. This is because of the micro-tares that you have caused along the base of your penis. Don’t be alarmed, micro-tares are microscopic tares in the surface of your skin. Nothing bad or painful.

Cell division will cause new cells to be formed, and sent, to the skin tissue around the penis. Since your penis will be under a light stretch when this cell arrives, your body will slowly rebuild your penis a fraction larger.

This process will repeat itself over and over, until you see a noticeable change in the size of your member.

Outside of just the stretching, Phallosan Forte can also address a wide range of medical issues. Such as:

  • Rectracio Penis
  • Preparations for prostate surgery, to help the soften the tissue.
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Incurvate Penis

Always remember to never use Phallosan Forte for medical reasons, before consulting your doctor. Whilst the device will cause you no injury, a doctor will know what is best for your situation and may even agree to allow you to use Phallosan Forte, due to its medical standing.

phallosan forte results

The Phallosan Forte Roadmap – How long do you use it?

For proper cell division to take place, and for the best results to manifest, you will need to use Phallosan Forte diligently. This means wearing it on a disciplined timetable for the duration of the treatment plan.

To use your Phallosan Forte optimally, follow these tips:

Week 1 : In the beginning, only use the extender for a short period of time. This is so you can get used to how the device feels, and for your skin to get used to the process.

For your first week, only use the device for 2 hours at a time. As it gets later in the week, try to use it longer. By Sunday, try to wear it for six hours. This should prepare you for the road forward.

Week 2 : Your body will now be more used to the device, and you can now begin to experiment with longer hours. To get the best cell division, and create hypertension, aim to use the device for 8 hours per day.

If at this stage you are feeling a little sore, don’t hesitate to keep your use down to 2 hours. You may need to keep that routine for a few weeks, depending on how your skin tissue reacts to the cell division.

Week 3-6 : As you reach the third week, you should now be able to wear the device for much more extended periods. The tension will be beginning to have large effects on your body, and you will now feel much more comfortable with the device on daily.

From here, and onwards, you should aim to use the device for 8-11 hours a day. Any more than 11 hours is not recommended and will not provide more benefits with more use. In fact, overuse of the device risks losing what progress you have made, if you were to injure yourself.

Bonus Tip : The Phallosan Forte team recommend using the device for 8 hours a day, on a treatment plan of 30-90 days. Don’t forget to measure your penis each day and compare the results.

This will help you see the benefits as you gain them!

Phallosan Forte – The Final Verdict

In the world of male enhancement, it is refreshing to come across a product that provides real results. Phallosan Forte proves, with its extensive range of features and road mapped results, that real male enhancement is possible for all of us.

Whilst many products will say that they can offer you results today, with outlandish claims of impossible growth. Phallosan Forte aims to provide a real picture of progress, with a medical understanding behind the way they’ve tackled the problem.

Would I recommend Phallosan Forte to anybody looking to get a little extra length, girth, or give you a straighter shaft? Absolutely.

The device is a sturdy, and trustworthy investment for anyone looking to take advantage of real male enhancement today!